Waking From Death Podcast

Waking From Death is defunct, but you can still listen to old episodes on Spotify below.

A two friends cope with death podcast

Waking From Death on Spotify

My first words to my childhood friend Brett on meeting him were, “There is no God. All that is watching over us are the black helicopters”. We both went on to live every adolescent milestone as best friends. We experimented with psychedelics together, made art and grew up as men in vastly different directions.

In December 2021, Brett had a devastating and powerful experience on the dissociative, ketamine. What followed were long nightly phone conversations on the nature of life, death, and what all of this might mean. Brett had always been a staunch atheist. Myself too until I wasn’t some six years ago. Our discussions led to this project.

Through art, philosophy, science, psychology, history, and the occult, we invite you to come with us and figure out what this strange life is, what happens after, and why you too might be a necromancer.